Help: Index
Below you will find a list of all the help articles built into Qur’an Tools. You can also find specific help on most Qur’an Tools pages by clicking "Help" in the menu bar, then choosing "Get Help On This Page". If you’re brand new to Qur’an Tools, a great place to start is with this article: Welcome to Qur’an Tools.
- Advanced Searching
- Analyse Root Position
- An Oral-Formulaic Study of the Qur’an
- Analysing Verses and Search Results
- Arabic Letters, Transliteration, and Encodings
- Bookmarks
- Bookmarks Manager
- Browse Intertextual Connections
- Browsing the Sura List
- Chart of Average Word Length per Sura
- Chart of Foreign Words per Sura
- Chart of Formulae in Common Between Suras
- Chart of Formulae used per Sura
- Chart of Formulaic Density per Sura
- Chart of Formulaic Density per Verse
- Chart of Formulaic Diversity per Sura
- Chart of Grammatical Features per Sura
- Chart of Intertextual Links per Source
- Chart of Number of Different Verse Endings (Rhymes) per Sura
- Chart of Sura Length
- Chart of Sura Length by Mean Verse Length
- Chart of Sura Length by Word Count
- Chart of Sura Verse Length Characteristics
- Chart of Verse Rhyme Ending Frequency
- Chart of Verses with Intertextual Connections
- Cross Referencing Formulae in a Selection of Verses
- Dictionary
- Easy Search
- Examine a Root
- Exhaustive List of References for a Root or Lemma
- The Foreign Vocabulary of the Qur’an
- Formulaic Analysis
- Formulaic Commonalities Between Suras
- Formulaic Densities and Usage Statistics per Sura
- Formulaic Densities Summary Statistics
- Home Page
- Interlinear Mode
- List all Foreign Words
- List all Formulae
- List All Lemmata
- List All Nouns
- List All Proper Nouns
- List All Roots
- List All Verbs
- List and Cross Reference Formulae in Suras
- Looking up a Passage in the Qur’an
- Menu Bar
- Number of Different Verse Ending (Rhyme) Patterns per Sura
- Performing a Basic Search
- Preferences
- Root Usage per Sura
- Sura Rhyme Analysis
- Tags
- Verse Browser in Detail
- Viewing a Qur’anic Passage
- Welcome to Qur’an Tools
- Word Association Tool