Analyse Root Position in Verse
The Analyse Root Position tool is accessed by clicking the button in the List All Roots screen and it looks like this:

- Only Show Roots With At Least This Many Occurrences. You can choose to list roots that only occur a certain number of times in the Qur’anic text.
- Root. For each root in the list, Qur’an Tools shows you both its Arabic and its transliterated version. (If you’d like to sort the table by root, just use the arrows at the top of the column — indeed, you can sort the table by any column you like, simply by using the arrows at the top of it).
- Total Occurrences. For each root, Qur’an Tools shows you how often that root occurs in the whole Qur’an. Click on any number in this column and Qur’an Tools will show you all the verses where the root occurs.
- Position: First Word in Verse. These two columns show often each root occurs first in a verse (and what percentage of all the root’s appearances in the Qur’an are first position occurrences.
- Position: Middle of Verse. These two columns show often each root occurs neither first or last in a verse (and what percentage of all the root’s appearances in the Qur’an are middle position occurrences.
- Position: Final Word in Verse. These two columns show often each root occurs last in a verse (and what percentage of all the root’s appearances in the Qur’an are final position occurrences.